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Custom Pool Builders in Phoenix You Can Count On

Discover a world of aquatic luxury and family fun with Tribal Waters Custom Pools & Spas in Phoenix, AZ, and the surrounding areas. With a passion for transforming backyards into stunning havens of relaxation and enjoyment, our team of custom pool builders in Phoenix, AZ has been a leading provider of exceptional pool design and installation services for over a decade. As Arizona’s most trusted experts in pool landscaping and hardscaping, we take immense pride in crafting personalized pools and spas that turn your dreams into a reality. Contact us today and let the journey to your dream pool begin with our pool installation services.

Small Pool FAQs

What’s the best small pool design for my backyard?

Our pool design experts excel at tailoring pool shapes to fit any space seamlessly, ensuring they harmonize with other backyard features. While traditional square or rectangle-shaped pools are common, opting for circular or oval-shaped pools can free up more space for additional amenities like a patio, outdoor kitchen, or mini pool house. A skilled pool builder will carefully consider your yard’s contours to determine the most suitable pools for small backyards.

What additional features do you offer?

Our skilled custom pool builders thrive on working with limited space, as it provides them with an opportunity to showcase their creativity. By incorporating vertical water features like fountains, waterfalls, and curved jets, we can enhance the visual depth of your small pool without requiring additional horizontal space. When dealing with smaller backyard pool designs, many pool owners also express a desire for tanning ledges. These luxurious ledges are strategically placed on the first step inside the pool, providing the perfect spot for sunbathers to relax and stay cool while enjoying the sun.

Is there a way to add depth or dimension to a small pool?

If you have a small backyard but desire deeper waters, a compact plunge pool is an excellent choice. It maximizes depth without taking up much horizontal space. On the other hand, if you prefer shallower waters, we recommend a reflective pool with an elongated design, complemented by LED lighting and Zen-like elements, to create a serene and relaxing atmosphere.

What building materials work best with small inground pools?

Tribal Waters has mastered the art of creating compact in-ground pools in small backyards using high-quality concrete and other premium pool building materials. With a wealth of expertise spanning more than a decade, we are the go-to experts for swimming pool construction in Phoenix, AZ, and its neighboring areas, such as Scottsdale and Chandler. Beyond constructing new residential pools, we also excel in pool remodels and resurfacing services, ensuring that your pool remains in impeccable condition for years to come.

How many square feet is the average swimming pool?

The average size of a swimming pool can vary depending on several factors, including the region, purpose (residential or commercial), and individual preferences. However, a common size for residential pools in the United States is around 600 to 800 square feet. This size typically includes the main pool area but does not account for additional features like decking, pool surrounds, or any landscaping around the pool.

Is a 15×30 pool big enough?

A 15×30 pool can be considered a decent size for a residential pool, but whether it’s big enough depends on your specific needs and preferences. If you’re unsure, it’s advisable to consult with a professional pool contractor who can assess your space and help you determine the best size for your needs and budget.

pool in small backyard

Contact Tribal Waters Custom Pools & Spas

Embrace the extraordinary and elevate your outdoor living with Tribal Waters Custom Pools & Spas. As a trusted leader in crafting magnificent pools and spas for more than 10 years, we take immense pride in our comprehensive and involved approach to pool design and installation. Our team of talented design consultants, backed by state-of-the-art 3D software, will guide you every step of the way, ensuring your vision becomes a breathtaking reality. Your backyard will be transformed into a luxurious space that the whole family will cherish for years to come. Don’t wait any longer to experience the bliss of your personalized oasis. Contact us today to embark on an unforgettable journey to your dream small swimming pool and spa. Let’s create the perfect aquatic haven for your home.